Friday, September 3, 2010

"Special" Zucchini Bread

Enough about me, let's talk about you for a moment. First of all, I have no idea why you stopped by, but I love that you did. The very fact that 50 souls are interested in what's happening in my tiny kitchen is so surprising, I'm just tickled by it.

Even better than that, I get to see your blogs, a tiny peek into your lives and talents. Karen is a great cook who has achieved homemade hamburger bun perfection, something I didn't think was possible. Stacey is an amazing photographer (teach me! Please!). Ryan is one of the few hunters who understands that there is life beyond Shore Lunch and venison Hamburger Helper. Amber keeps me updated on what's cool for kids and decor, especially important since I'm clueless in both areas. And Lyz. a Fargo mom and one of my first Google "followers", helps me see the humor in parenthood.

Basically, what I'm trying to say is I'm impressed. Totally impressed and flattered that such interesting people think that, well, I'm interesting too. So, ummm, thanks! :)

Speaking of blogs, I go in spurts with favorite food blogs and lately I've been all over 101 Cookbooks. The author encourages people to try out different ingredients. Farro, anyone? Because of this blog, I now have coconut oil and bulgur in my cupboard. (PS - put coconut oil on your legs after you shower - great moisturizer for shiny shins) When I came across a recipe titled "My Special Zucchini Bread Recipe," I had to try it.

So I printed out the recipe and found out it included curry powder. Really? Curry powder? I freaked out a little bit. 'It says it's optional; should I leave it out? Or just go for it? I don't want to ruin a whole batch of zucchini bread...'

I went for it. A whole tablespoon of curry powder, dropped into the rest of the traditional dry ingredients of flour, sugar, baking soda, and cinnamon.

I could smell the curry powder as I mixed the batter, still unsure about my choice to add it. But when I tasted a nibble of the batter before baking (what? you don't do that too?), I knew it would be ok. It added a depth of flavor that's hard to define, but even my farm-girl mother was all over this bread like white on rice. Plus, the turmeric in my curry powder added a lovely color to the bread, too.

For the recipe, just click here. Take a chance and leave the optional curry powder in. I also included the poppy seeds, which added great texture. I think you'll be glad you did.


  1. This is really different and since you say it is good I will try it. Did you use the whole wheat flour?

  2. Interesting - I think it'd be good and just a little different. Thanks for the shout out!
