Monday, September 6, 2010

The Tomatillo Conundrum

This spring, I planted tomatillos. Picking up the plants at the plant nursery, I already had visions of my tomatillo harvest dancing in my head. I'd roast them for an amazing enchilada salsa. I'd wear my most colorful skirt for the occasion. I'd swirl around my kitchen grooving to Gipsy Kings and ManĂ¡. For one moment, this North Dakota gal would be a latina princesa!

Or, not so much.

I don't know what happened, but I don't think my tomatillos turned out. Are they supposed to be this teeny-tiny? I thought tomatillos were more like a full green tomato with a funky shell that peeled off. My tomatillos just look like deflated balloons with the tiniest morsel of vegetable flesh inside.

Did I not water enough? Or are these immature tomatillos and I'm picking at them too soon? Or just a fussy plant for our short growing season? My wise readers, if anyone has some insight into this, I'm all ears!

Meanwhile, I'm still grooving to Gipsy Kings, and a bowl of Village Hot Sauce will do me just fine.


  1. It'd be great to have tomatillos from the garden! Did you plant the seeds indoors, or directly into the ground? They probably need to be started indoors first for cold weather like yours.

  2. they did need way more water I think! brave of you to try them! give them a go again next year after some google research!!!

  3. Being not at all a gardener, all I can contribute is to say, "but man your plant looks great and how cute are those leaves." Enjoy the plant for it's beauty I say and better luck next time.

  4. I don't know a thing about growing tomatillos ... but your post is pretty cute!!! Ole!
