Saturday, January 1, 2011

Red Lobster Biscuits

Happy New Year!  How's that diet going for you thus far?  Yeah, I don't do diet resolutions either, other than my usual "Geez Beth, let's cut it down to three or four cookies a day" goal (still a work in progress). 

On New Years Eve, we had a happy house full with my brother-in-law's family staying over.  Kent and his brother decided they wanted crab legs.  So they went and purchased crab legs.  A lot of crab legs.  15 pounds of crab legs, actually.  Mind you, there were only four adults eating crab last night (the three kids enjoyed pasta with sausage while saying things like "That crab smells funny" and "When are we going to open presents?" since the evening served as a mini-Christmas between our two families).  So when I say we all woke up with a bit of a butter headache, well, eating your share of 15 pounds of crab will do that to you. 

No, we didn't finish it all.  There's some extra crab meat sitting in our fridge right now, primed for some excellent crab cakes later today. 

Crab is such an event, though.  It's exotic for us to have seafood of any kind.  And the flavor of crab is really accessible as far as seafood goes - sweet and mild, not fishy or slimy like some other creatures of the sea.  I have yet to master the crab leg shell crack, being able to crack it open and pull out the entire piece of crab intact, but you know what they say: practice makes perfect.  That means I need to be eating more crab in the very near future.  Twist my arm, ok. 

Red Lobster Biscuits
The great thing about making crab legs is that unlike turkey, no one is expecting many side dishes - the crab is the star.  However, your fingers are going to eventually need a break from all that cracking, which is prime biscuit time.  Be sure to time the baking so they are hot out of the oven right when the first round of crab comes out of the pot. 

2 cups Bisquick
2/3 cup milk
1/2 cup shredded cheddar cheese
1/4 cup butter, melted
1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
1/4 teaspoon dried parsley

Preheat oven to 450 degrees. Mix Bisquick, milk and cheese until soft dough forms; beat vigorously for 30 seconds. Drop dough by spoonfuls onto ungreased cookie sheet. Bake 8-10 min. or until golden brown. Mix butter, garlic powder and parsley; drizzle or brush over warm biscuits before removing from cookie sheet. Serve warm. Makes 10-12 biscuits.

1 comment:

  1. These biscuits are so great! I know this recipe!
