Monday, December 27, 2010

Ham and Bean Soup

So what did ya get for Christmas? And don't give me that "Oh, I didn't want anything.  Just spending time with the family was gift enough." Even though I say stuff like that.  "Just get little Ben a gift.  We already have everything."  I said this a lot this year.  And at the time, I meant it.  But then I get a gift and I'm reminded that there will always be part of me that likes getting gifts.  Don't you?

So wanna see what I got?  Ok, get ready to be impressed:

Ok, it isn't a diamond ring.  It's better.  It's a TV-B-Gone!  Basically, it's a one button remote control that works in stealth mode, quietly and quickly turning off almost any television. 

Just imagine the possibilities! Jerry Springer on in the doctor's waiting room?  Gone!  TV too loud in the restaurant where you are trying to enjoy a meal?  Adios!  TV playing in a room no one is occupying, basically sucking up electricity?  I can easily do my green deed for the day.  Click!

Now I just need to try it out in the electronics department of Best Buy *evil grin*.

I also got the Christmas dinner ham hock.  It wasn't wrapped, unless you count a Ziploc bag.  It didn't even have a bow on it.  But it was a treat in itself.

I never make ham.  When you have a freezer full of moose, elk, deer, walleye, trout, pheasant, grouse, goose, and turkey (whew!), ham just seems unnecessary.  But my mom makes it for nearly every holiday, so we get our ham fix in.  I know.  You were starting to look worried.  So I thought I'd better tell you that. 

So the ham bone, or more appropriately called the ham hock.  She sent it home with me since she wasn't going to use it, leaving extra chunks of meat on it since of course she knew I was going to make some soup with it.  Ham and bean soup it is!

Wait, but Kent doesn't like beans.  Hmmm.

Don't worry.  I got a little trick up my sleeve.  A quick press of a button - voila!  Bean puree in the blender and he won't even know he's eating beans!  Whaa-ha-ha-ha! 

I'm so tricky.

Ham and Bean Soup
If you are big on measuring cups and teaspoons, my apologies - I don't measure when I throw together things like this. Just trust your gut. And your taste buds.
1 meaty ham hock (haven't made ham lately?  Pretty sure you can pick up nice ham hocks at the butcher shop)
About 2 cups dried navy beans
3 stalks celery, sliced
3 carrots, sliced
1 bay leaf
Salt, pepper, and thyme to taste

Pick over beans, removing any pebbles or beans that look cracked or shriveled.  Place in a shallow bowl and cover with water; let soak overnight.  The more soaking the better, but if you forget to soak, don't worry; just cook the beans a little longer in the next step.

Drain the beans of their soaking liquid and place beans in a pot.  Add water until the beans are covered, then bring to a boil and reduce heat to simmer until beans soften up.  Ladle half of the beans and their liquid into a blender and puree until smooth; return puree to the pot. 

Add ham hock and bay leaf to the pot and continue simmering.  Beans will continue to soften and meat from ham bone just start to loosen as well. When beans are just about at the texture you like, add chopped carrots and celery, simmering for another 30 mins.  Remove ham hock, tear off meat and add meat to the pot.  Throw the bone to the dog.  Season to taste with salt, pepper and thyme.  Note that depending on how much water you used, you may need a few liberal pinches of salt.  Don't be shy, but always taste after each addition, noting that the flavors will meld more as the soup sits.  Remove bay leaf and serve.


  1. So lucky! My Mom makes ham and bean soup that is to die for, I just had some when I was home, it's always one of my requests:)

  2. Love that T.V off clicker!! And the soup sounds yummy.

  3. Since we're (sort of) on the topic of remotes, you might appreciate this one as well:
