Sunday, June 27, 2010

My Everyday Salad Dressing

The first salad of the season. Garden lettuce. Garden radishes. In the garden. Pure bliss.

No more soggy romaine-in-a-bag. No more $4 plastic bins of organic greens. For a few blissful months, I can just step out my backdoor with my garden shears and get greens as God intended them - fresh, delicate, with little bits of dirt still clinging to the leaves.

A simple post for a simple pleasure.

My Everyday Salad Dressing
Have a little jar and some oil and vinegar on hand? Then you have instant salad dressing, my friend. Actually, this is a vinaigrette, but let's forgo the tiny naming details, shall we? And please experiment with different quantities and types of oils and vinegars - walnut oil takes this simple dressing into another dimension.

3 Tbls. extra virgin olive oil
1 Tbls. white wine vinegar
Optional add-ins: fresh black pepper; pinch of salt; 1/4 tsp. Dijon mustard; a small spoonful of mayo, sour cream, Greek yogurt, or cream; a small pinch of sugar; chopped herbs (fresh or dried)

Add everything to a small jar, tighten the lid, and shake until mixed thoroughly.


  1. Can I just say, I am green with envy over your garden. I can't even get my grass to grow.

  2. I'm so JEALOUS!!! And that shot of your salad nestled against the rocks ... well, it rocks!
