Monday, June 21, 2010

Betty's Better Butter Burgers

As a kid, I had a favorite tongue twister. Basically because it was the only tongue twister I could say.

Betty Botter bought a bit of butter for her batter
But she said, "This butter's bitter.
But a bit of better butter
That would make my batter better."
So 'twas better, Betty Botter bought a bit of better butter.

*crickets chirping*

Ok, there was no point to that, other than it was ringing in my head the entire time I was making these butter burgers.

What is a butter burger, you ask? Well...I'll give you two guesses.

Nope. Close, but not really.

Ding ding ding!

Basically, you take a burger and you add butter to it. Why would you do this, you ask? Well, first of all, artery-schmartery, it's fun to throw American Heart Association guidelines to the wind once in awhile.

Secondly, and more importantly, fat is flavor, and with ground venison being so lean (and even beef becoming increasingly leaner and leaner), the butter simulates some good old-fashioned fat marbling.

You can add butter to the meat two ways:

1) Just mix it in with the meat like we did

2) Wrap the meat around a pat of butter so it sits in the middle of the patty

Either way works. Figure about half a stick (4 Tbls.) per pound of ground meat. I highly recommend seasoning the meat with some Montreal Hamburger seasoning too (I think it's McCormick brand).

Or, if you really want a recipe to follow, click here.

Happy grilling!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I saw a butter burger recipe on another blog recipe, and had the exact same thought "fat is flavor." Filed the idea away under "try at some point," but I'm really liking the idea of doing a butter burger with venison instead of beef. All the extra flavor that would be there due to it's being venison would be so good (and venison's leanness would make me feel less guilty about making a butter burger). Great idea!

  3. I'll try this next time we make venison burgers!

  4. Sounds delish, Beth! Sometimes I mix a little butter with Worcestershire sauce and a few other things and brush it on a steak before we grill it ... superb flavor!
