Thursday, June 10, 2010

In Celebration of Simplicity

Cheese. Radish. Buttered bread. A small glass of beer. I nearly cried from the simple beauty of it, sitting in a rustic cabin in a forest next to a lake in northern Manitoba, savoring each morsel as others may savor filet mignon.

We took our annual Canadian fishing trip last week (me and my scheduled posts, so tricky, I know) and the theme of the trip, at least for me, was earnest simplicity.

We slowed down.

We breathed fresh pine-scented air.

We disconnected from technology and reconnected with family.

We took many, many walks on dirt roads.

We jumped on the bed.

We played cards.

We gave the baby a bath in the cooler.

We fished (and ate a lot of fish, too).

We watched the sky - never growing completely dark, just dimming before morning.

As you make your summer plans, here's hoping you take a moment to enjoy the simple things, which most often turn out to be the best things. Happy summer!


  1. How lovely, Beth. These are the moments you will remember. Besides, there is something very , very special about a radish sandwich!!!

  2. beautiful photos! what type of camera do you use?

  3. Ha..... I love the picture of the bath in the cooler. I had never thought of that. :)

    Happy summer Beth!

  4. I LOVE the baby in the cooler!!

  5. I'm happy you had a good trip Beth! What lake were you on? The picture of the cooler bath is priceless.

  6. Yes, the baby in the cooler was loads of fun...once he was comfy with the idea, at least. It took a little negotiating at first. And Ruth, are you still blogging? I can't find your blog w/ the Chicago life, send me the link! I use a Rebel T1, but totally as a point-and-shoot. I have good intentions of someday learning all the settings and lenses and apertures etc etc etc.

  7. Oh, and Dana, we were at Cranberry Portage, if you're familiar with the area...up by Flin Flon, dontchaknow...

  8. Lovely, lovely post, Beth ... and the cooler bathtub is awesome! What a cute photo!

  9. How wonderful!! Our first vacation of the summer is coming up soon. This makes me anticipate it even more...

  10. I put sliced radishes in my sandwich the other day - so good. Looks like you had a great time!
