Monday, March 15, 2010

Sick Day Tea

In case you're wondering what exotic concoction I'm fixing for dinner here tonight, prepare to be unimpressed:


I'm sick.

Drunk on Nyquil when the baby woke up yet again this morning, I groggily called into work to say that there was no-way no-how I was making it to the office today. I clumsily got the crying baby dressed, my lovely husband (also sick) took him to daycare, then we crashed in separate bedrooms, snoozing as much as our sore throats and hacking coughs would let us, occasionally passing each other in the kitchen when we made trips for more water and oj.

Ahhh, the romance.

But this post isn't a plea for sympathy. I'm actually feeling a bit better right now. No, this post is to inform you that if you ever find yourself in a similar situation, you need to brew some of this. Seriously, you'll instantly feel better and as a bonus, you'll make your grandma proud for using a home remedy. However, for the record, I'm grateful for living in a world with Nyquil, Halls, and Mucinex.

Thanks for the recipe, Ibti. This stuff worked wonders.

Sick Day Tea
Ibti puts minced garlic in her brew as well; I left it out, but by all means, throw it in if you'd like. My 94 year old a-raw-garlic-clove-a-day grandpa would approve.

In a small pot, combine:

1 cup water
1 tsp fresh lemon juice
1 TBSP honey
a pinch of cayenne powder
1 inch peeled, minced ginger OR 1/4 tsp powdered ginger OR just use ginger tea in place of the water

Heat on the stove top until warm.