Friday, March 12, 2010

Girl Scout Cookies!

I got my Girl Scout cookies today! All the colorful boxes tied with a string, delivered by my co-worker’s adorable seven-year-old daughter in her first year of Scouts wearing her little blue apron with a few scattered badges sewn on (I guess you have to be a certain age to get into the classic green/brown uniforms). Her mom tells me she worked really hard on cookie sales, not only to have funds for activities but also because she had her eye on a particular prize – a stuffed frog.

I know one could look at these as just pre-packaged, overpriced cookies, turning our youth into door-to-door salespeople at a tender age, but even looking at it that way, you have to admit it is still pure Americana - capitalism, kindness, and our collective sweet tooth in action. What’s your favorite? I used to be a Shortbread gal, but I think I’m more of a Samoa chick now…or, excuse me, Caramel deLites. However, Thin Mints are running a close second. And let’s not even go into the fact that DQ is now adding Girl Scout cookies to their Blizzards. That’s like crack topped with chocolate crack icing. You can’t resist.

And by the way, our little cookie seller got her frog.

If you are in the Bismarck area searching for a Girl Scout cookie fix, click here to see dates and locations for cookie booths around town.

1 comment:

  1. oh thank you for the cookie sale link. I was just driving home from work today thinking I missed the girl scout cookie sale.
