Monday, November 15, 2010

To All You Lovelies

By now most of you know that I keep this blog pretty light and easy going.  There's enough heavy stuff in the world, I figure.  I try not to take myself or my blog very seriously, and I'm guessing you're ok with that.  So in my recent curry post, when I said everyone should pick up an extra jar of curry paste for me whenever they are passing through Fargo, surely you knew I was speaking in jest.  I mean, I love me some curry paste, but making a special trip to the Asian grocery store for moi? 

Then I got a note from a reader: 

"...I happened to be in Fargo this weekend for a class, and it was only a few blocks from the Asian/American market, so I did stop and buy you a jar of curry paste..."

OMG, seriously?  She stopped by my office and dropped off this lovely little gift bag with not one but TWO jars of curry paste, telling the tale of how it was her first venture to the Asian grocery store...and maybe her last, since it smells a little funky in there...but I was just blown away by the thoughtfulness. 

So let's pay it forward, shall we?  A little giveaway, perhaps?  Maybe $45 to buy ANYTHING YOU WANT at CSN Stores?  Maybe you're taking a holiday trip and could use a new suitcase.  Maybe you need a new roasting pan for Thanksgiving.  Or maybe you just like free stuff.  You can use this at any CSN Store, all 200+ of them. 

Just leave a comment telling us about a memorable gift, either given or received, either awesome or memorably bad.  Like that terrible pink sweatshirt you got for Christmas in 5th grade with a necktie embroidered on it.  Or The Nintendo Christmas (the original Nintendo, thank you).  That was a great year.   I need some gift ideas.  And whoever wins the giveaway may need some ideas, too.  Comment deadline is Thursday, Nov. 18th at 8 pm CST.

And to that dear reader, thank you again so much for the curry paste.  I'll think of your kindness every time I crack open those jars. 


  1. When we were dating, my husband (then boyfriend, of course) gave me a sapphire ring. I lost the stone soon after we were married, I'd give anything to get it back. Senitmental memories!

  2. My incredibly gifted (across the board) best friend bought an unlined journal, and she took out the cardboard from the covers (thus making it a paperback), and redesigned them with my name, and made a title page, and scrapbooked randomly chosen pages throughout the book. They are gorgeous. She must have done at least twenty of them, and each is a work of art in its own right. It's so gorgeous that I've hardly written in it, but I'll treasure it forever.

  3. Oh the nintendo year- I forgot about that! That year for me it was a treasure hunt to find it... but then... the original nintendo- with duck hunter and track! Thanks for reminding me- I had forgotten!

  4. My most memorable gift was when my oldest son who is now 4 years old took his first steps on the morning of his first Christmas. I'll never forget that Christmas, that's for sure :)

  5. One of my most memorable gifts was a science kit that I got from "Santa" when I was 11 or 12. It had a real, working microscope and slides, vials with magnifiers in the cap (for studying live bugs more closely), and a bunch of other science-y stuff.

  6. I would totally say the Nintendo year was one of the best. My sisters and I were pumped to get the Power Pad and Duck Hunt, too. What technology! :)

  7. My most memorable gift??? A horse from my grandparents. Not just any horse, one the I knew for years and loved. They bought it for me after my horse very suddenly died. It was a very happy and very sad experience, all rolled into one.

    Also, LOVE CSN! Just ordered a new food dehydrator from them!

  8. When I was expecting Kailey I received several different baby gifts for my daughter from my clients. I was touched that they thought our relationship was close enough to gift me something for my daughter. :)

  9. How sweet is that? Love it.

    One of my most memorable gifts of recent was a sweet ornament my daughter made me last year. I cried. Like the sap that I am.

  10. I don't suppose it helps with giving you ideas, but the Cabbage Patch Christmas and the year I got a Casio keyboard (I think I was 9) were memorable for me.

    One memorably bad gift occurred before I was born: apparently my dad's mother gave my mom some of those socks with the articulated toes in the 70s. The funny thing was that my mom totally it in advance: "See these awful socks? Your mother will be giving me some for Christmas this year, guaranteed." And she did.

  11. After my husband and I were married my mother-in-law (fabulous cook) sent us some homemade cinnamon rolls when my dad was in town visiting. Dad loved these cinnamon rolls and made a huge deal about how amazing they were. He still talks about them years later. My in-laws are on their way from Charleston, SC to Grand Forks, ND at this very moment. Mother-in-law and I are going to make cinnamon rolls tomorrow morning to overnight to my Dad in Iowa. I think he'll be surprised!

  12. What a nice surprise!

    I'll always remember when I graduated from 8th grade, my folks gave me a transistor radio. I *loved* it!

  13. My husband surprised me with diamond earrings for our 25th wedding anniversary. It wasn't the gift (although they are nice earrings, don't get me wrong =D), as much as it was the surprise. It was just so totally unexpected and such a nice surprise.

  14. OK, I'll be the scrooge in this fanfare of memories ~ after living here in the high desert of the southwest for 8 years, my sister (living in south Texas) bought me mittens, hat and scarf. Unfortunately, I already had massive amounts and was seriously bummed out. And it wasn't even pretty...:-( boo hoo for me, eh?
