Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Maple Apple Bran Muffins

Hellloooo autumn!

So lovely to see you again. Yes, come in, come in and stay awhile.  

No, don't listen to those nay-sayers who talk up summer so much. You, my dear autumn, have so much to offer. The colors, the crisp air, the pure pleasure of pulling out the sweaters and cranking up the oven for fall baking. Don't tell the others, but I think you're my favorite season. 

I know you hear people complain that you are just a reminder of the oncoming dreariness of winter, but those folks are missing the beauty of the moment, don't you think? And frankly, I don't see why there is such a huff about winter anyway.  As we say around here, winter keeps the riff-raff out.  

Oh, don't worry about that early frost last week. I covered the tomatoes and they made it through just fine, and now the apples on the tree out back are ready to eat. My little one loves to roam back to the garden and pull himself a snack from its branches. 

Stay for awhile, won't you? You know you are always welcome in this house. I'm making a pot of tea and these muffins. The kitchen is warm from the oven and it smells divine.   

Maple Apple Bran Muffins
Adapted from The Bread Bible by Beth Hensperger. I bought this cookbook in Portland, OR when I was convinced I was going to open a bakery someday and traveled there to explore great bakeries. The bakery biz 'twas not to be, but this book is still my go-to reference for great breads. Instead of lining the muffin tin with paper liners, try greasing the cups with butter (not cooking spray) - the butter creates a crispy edge to the muffins that I adore.

1 1/2 C buttermilk
2 eggs
4 Tbls melted unsalted butter
 1/4 C canola oil
1/4 C maple syrup
1 1/2 C All Bran cereal
1 C peeled, chopped apple
1/4 C dried cranberries
1 C all-purpose flour
1/2 C wheat or oat bran flakes
1/4 C packed brown sugar
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp salt
1/2 C chopped or slivered almonds

 Preheat the oven to 400 degrees. Grease 12-18 standard muffin cups (will vary depending on the size of the tins). In a large bowl with a whisk, combine buttermilk, eggs, butter, oil, maple syrup, and cereal. Add the apple and cranberries and let stand 10 minutes.

 In a separate large bowl with a whisk, combine flour, bran flaks, sugar, baking powder, baking soda, salt and almonds. Add dry ingredients to the wet mixture and stir with a large spoon until evenly moistened, no more that 20 strokes.

 Spoon the batter into each greased muffin cup until just level with the top of the pan. Add a little bit of water to any empty cups. Bake 25 mins or until browned and the tops feel dry and springy. Cool muffins in the pan for 5 mins, then remove and cool completely on a cooling rack.


  1. Beth, I wish I could love Autumn like you do. It's just too close to winter for my liking. :)

  2. mmm, look great. Thanks for tips and photos. My opinion is that muffins with apples have some special, delightful aroma. Due to cinnamon, perhaps? And adding some walnut and raisins, playing with ingredients. Simply delicious!
