Sometimes it's so lonely being the lone soul trudging to the grocery store with her reusable bags, the only one who remains endlessly fascinated with the science experiment known as a compost pile in her backyard, the chick who dares to do the timewarp and use washable diapers on her infant.
But you guys came out swingin' with your backyard gardens, your forests of freshly planted trees, your earnest efforts to turn off the lights when you leave the room, your monthly schlepp to the recycling center. Call me optimistic, but I think every bit counts, so thanks for all the heart-warming reminders that we're all doing our little part. I got some great ideas to up my eco-game, too.
As promised, we have a cookbook winner! I went to, punched in 1 through 11 (counting Al on the R&V Facebook feed) and got...
Two. Grabbing the second post:
Here's a few: cloth napkins (I LOVE THEM-why use anything else?), I use these awesome reusable cotton pads instead of cotton balls "Better for Grownups Organic Reusable Cotton Face Rounds" and I haven't drank plastic bottled water in over 3 years. And heads up- I'd love to hear all about the things you've done! I'll take any ideas!
Idea #1: get your home-cookin' groove on with your new cookbook! Whoo-hoo!
(For the record, Danica lives in the midst of the wonderland that is Minnesota and has one of The Single Most Hilarious blogs out there. Check her out here.)
Much like Charlie Sheen I am a winner :) Sorry- is it too late for that one? Thanks Beth! I saw Alice Waters on something a while back and am oh so excited to try her out! Charlie Sheen style. Or not :)