Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Cream-Cheese-and-Ham-Wrapped Pickles

Last night I hosted the book club gals at my place.  The book up for discussion was Angry Housewives Eating Bon Bons, a book about, well, women in a book club who like to eat.  It was an easy, breezy read, chick-lit at its finest.  One character in the novel named Audrey is basically a PG-13 version of Sex and the City's Samantha - a sexaholic (who turns into a pastor at the end, but that's another discussion).  In the book, Audrey picks a book about sex for the book club to read and during the book club meeting sets out appetizers with a theme to match.

When I was planning my own book club menu, how could I resist?  I grabbed the nearest jar of baby pickles, smeared them with cream cheese, wrapped them in ham, and stuck a couple olives on the toothpick for good measure.  And yes, in case you were wondering, my husband helped.  "I don't know, do you think they're penis-y enough?" I asked.  He reassured me that yes, they were plenty penis-y. 

If you haven't had these li'l buggers, they're darn tasty.  Skip the toothpicks and olives and just make the cream-cheese-and-ham-wrapped pickles for your upcoming Super Bowl party.  If you don't tell anyone, you'll probably be the only one with a case of the giggles as everyone else is munching. 

1 comment:

  1. Haha, my mother just made these for a Dr. Seuss themed baby shower (someone else was doing the "green eggs" and she was assigned the ham...) In the center we put pickled asparagus. So tasty!
