Monday, December 20, 2010

Tom and Jerry Batter, Homemade Hot Cocoa Mix, and Uncle Eddie

"So have you finished your Christmas shopping?"

Since when has this become a conversation opener?  I can't tell you how many times I've been asked this recently.  Always by women I only vaguely know who feel the need to start conversation.  The teller at the bank.  The desk person at the hair salon.  Like it's something that we need to just.  get.  through.  It's so painful, such an obligation, yet we slug through it every year and bond over the mutual drudgery of it all. 

Sometimes I play along, depending on how well I know the person. "Oh yeah, just about!"  But I'm really not a Christmas shopper, so most of the time, I just smile and say, "Well, it's not that tough when you just give cash!"

Ok, we do buy a couple gifts for our niece and nephew, and maybe a couple stocking stuffers for each other, but otherwise this holiday has been so lusciously laid back this year, I'm loving it. 

So here's hoping you've finished your Christmas doing very little shopping.  That'll give you more time to check out some R&V holiday posts from Christmas past.  It's like watching National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation for the 25th time - only a little tastier.

Tom and Jerry Batter

Homemade Hot Cocoa Mix

Christmas Ornaments

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