Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Refrigerator Pickles

For the record, I do not like cucumbers. I love pickles, but I just don't like cucumbers. I can handle them if they're chopped up in a greek salad or hidden in a veggie sandwich, but if I get a choice, I always skip the cukes.

So when my dear step-mom had a bowl full of these refrigerator pickles sitting out for us to nibble on one evening, I initially passed them by because they looked too much like raw cucumbers. However, after seeing Kent going back for more again and again and again, I decided to try one.

Oh yum. They're sweet, kinda like bread and butter pickles, but with a vinegary bite. And crunchy - no soggy supermarket pickle squishiness here. I was hooked and immediately asked for the recipe. This is what she handed to me.

C'mon. How can you not love a recipe that arrives on a pickle-shaped piece of paper? As you can see, the recipe is super easy too, no canning or hot water baths needed. Just keep them in the refrigerator. I'm not a food safety expert, so I don't know how long they'll keep, but rest assured that they'll be eaten up well before you have to worry about that.

Refrigerator Pickles
When you first pour the liquid over the cucumber slices, it will look like there isn't enough liquid. However, liquid will drain from the cucumber slices and add volume. Just give the pickles a little shake or stir now and then to redistribute the liquid.

7 c. cucumber slices (about 3-4 cucumbers)
1 small onion, sliced
1 small green pepper or Anaheim pepper, sliced (optional)
1 c. sugar
1/2 c. white vinegar
1/2 tsp. mustard seed
1/2 tsp. celery seed
2 tsp. salt

Put cucumber, onion and pepper slices in large bowl with lid. Mix all other ingredients and pour over. Cover and refrigerate.


  1. My Baba makes refrigerator pickles, though they're more like dills. Hers need to sit in the fridge for four days (hence them also being referred to as four pay pickles), how long do you have to let them wait before they are ready?

  2. Awesome, Beth! I've never made pickles. My mom used to make dill pickles and watermelon pickles. Those watermelon pickles were incredible! But she hasn't made any in years.

  3. Hmm, good question Dana - I say just nibble 'til you think they're good - bad answer? A few days, maybe? I shoot from the hip.

    And Marianne, can you believe I don't care for watermelon either? But watermelon PICKLES - I'll have to try it someday ;) Lemme know when your mom whips up another batch!

  4. made these and they're delicious! Thanks for the recipe.
