Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Campfire Bananas

Who doesn’t love a good campfire? Our neighbor purchased one of these new propane-fueled campfire glass bowls for his patio. “Look! No smoke!” It’s really nice and it looks pretty, but he mentioned you can’t roast anything over the propane fire, for risk of ruining the unit with drips of bratwurst grease or marshmallow fluff.

Now tell me, what is a campfire without brats and s’mores?

The s’more is still the ultimate camp dessert, but if you’re open to trying something new one evening, this is it. Bananas stuffed with chocolate, wrapped in foil and roasted until the chocolate is melty and the banana is soft – it’s like a hot banana split, in the best way possible.

But making these in the backyard fire pit yields one advantage over the campsite fire: topping them with ice cream!

Campfire Bananas
Chocolate chips, marshmallows, miniature candy bars, chopped-up peanut butter cups, caramels, butterscotch chips, coconut, chopped nuts – go wild, whatever you can think of
Whipped cream or ice cream (optional)
Aluminum foil

With the banana still in the peel, carefully cut the banana down the middle lengthwise while leaving the ends and the bottom side of the peel intact, so it opens similar to a hot dog bun. Stuff the middle of the banana with chocolate and other sweet fixings. Push the banana back together and wrap completely with foil.

Set in hot coals near the campfire flame (not IN the flame) and let roast 5-10 minutes, depending on the heat of your fire. Check by opening part of the foil – the banana should be very soft; if it’s not soft, wrap it up and put it back in the fire to cook longer. When done, carefully remove from fire and open the foil. Top with whipped cream or ice cream, if you have it. To eat it, grab a spoon and scoop the banana right out of the peel atop the foil.


  1. Oh my goodness, that looks delicious! We have a backyard fire pit, so we do plenty of s'mores. Thanks for the great new idea!

  2. Such a good way to eat bananas! Bananas aren't so easy to bring on hiking trips, I've found, because they're so squishy; camping trip campfire bananas are a great way to follow up dinner!

  3. Ok amazing North Dakota girl. Where ya been all my life?

    I've just spent the afternoon reading your blog and I'm hooked.

    I also have several North Dakota cousins, who live on the Eastern side, that just have to hear about you.

    Anyhooo, I just wanted to send a shout out. I did a Google search for rhubarb and there you were.

    Nicely done.

    I look forward to more and will definitely be taking some of your recipes camping with us.


  4. Cant wait to try this out with my girl scouts at our summer camp out!
