Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Adventures in Pickling

When my stepdad called begging us to take some of the cucumbers that were taking over their garden, he didn't have to twist my arm too much to oblige.

It's picklin' time!

I know using Mrs. Wages mix as pickle seasoning isn't the most culinary thing to do. I should've harvested some fresh dill, crushed my own mustard seed, gathered sea salt from the shores of Maui...and someday, I may do that (especially that Maui part).

But in reality, this is what's going on when I'm in the kitchen.

Thanks, dear, for taking pictures of me without my written permission at 7:50 am. Love ya.

Note the hunched posture, the rack of drying dishes teetering precariously near the edge of the cupboard, the young child sensing that there is a hot stove nearby that needs to be closely inspected. I probably tripped over that truck five times until I finally tossed it out of the way.

If ripping open a packet makes my life easier, so be it. Mind you, I'm CANNING PICKLES! Remind me next summer that this is what grocery stores were made for.

However, I can now admire my shelf of (nearly) homemade pickles all winter long. In the meantime, I'm penciling that Maui trip in my schedule 17 years from now.


  1. exactly why canning is on the backburner for me for now!

  2. No need to feel bad. If I did them all by myself, I would most likely pick up some Mrs. Wages too. I am lucky that my hubby has a family that LOVES to can. This weekend we are headed to MN for the annual Pickle Packing Party. Beer, canning, catching up with relatives. Does it get any better?

    I am also bringing my beets in the hope that my MIL will help me can those too:-)

  3. I learned to can pickles and watermelon yesterday with my mom and grandma. We had a lot of fun, but it sure is a lot of work :) Way to go Beth!

  4. I've been canning crabapple apple sauce, but not pickles. We're still munching on the twenty pound batch from last summer!

    I've seen pickles made of cucumber slices, and am most used to seeing cucumbers pickles whole. Is there any particular reason you have them cut like that? Do they pickle quicker, so that you can enjoy them sooner? Or is it just so you don't need to cut them later?

  5. Awesome post ... you had me laughing out loud! Love the photos (all of them!). I am OLD and have never canned anything. My mom made pickles. The smell of the brine always gave me an asthma attack (I think that's impossible, but still, that's what I told Mom). Bravo for making those yummy looking pickles!

  6. I love reading your blog. And totally understand the fire truck getting in your way.

  7. Love all the canning fans here! Pickle Packing Party - Megan, I want an invite next year, sounds like my kind of party!

    Same goes for you, Jana - say hi to Brenda for me!

    Dana, I debated on how to pickle them - in the end, I sliced them like that to a) pack them in the jar more tightly and b) get more "picklyness" with more sides exposed to the vinegar solution.

    And Marianne, it took me awhile to get back into pickles after a bad choice of pickling while in the morning sickness stages of pregnancy. Not a good choice. ;)
