Thursday, July 29, 2010

Walleye a la Boy Scout

Stepping off the plane at Dulles airport in Washington DC last weekend and walking to baggage claim, I had to smile at the sight in front of me - about 50 Boy Scouts on the escalator, dressed in their green-and-khaki uniforms, badges blazing on the lapels, excitedly talking and snapping photos of each other.

'Man, I'm totally covered if I need help crossing a street,' I thought to myself.

Little did I know that this would be a scene that would be repeated throughout my little Washington DC trip. I mean, hey, Boy Scouts are great, but I soon found out it was the 100th anniversary of the Boy Scouts and to help celebrate, 50,000 Scouts were converging in our nation's captial. All at once.

Uff da.

And not once did anyone offer to help me cross the street. Maybe my excessive persperation in the 100 degree heat had something to do with that...

So most of my vacation snapshots have America's Most Prepared Teenagers in the background...or foreground. See them back there at the Korean War Memorial?

Or how about crawling up the steps of the Jefferson Memorial?

I have absolutely nothing against Boy Scouts. My general impression was that they were pretty well-behaved, considering they were teenaged boys. Heck, someday Ben may be among the masses. It just got a little annoying to see lines everywhere as they sucked up all the tickets to Ford's Theater, caused an hour wait just to buy tickets at the Spy Museum, and amassed so thickly on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial that one couldn't take a picture of our 16th president without a sleeve of khaki getting in the shot.

But, alas, it could've been worse. An AARP convention, perhaps, or maybe a Tea Party.

However, they weren't everywhere. For example, very little khaki was to be seen at the Smithsonian exhibit of first ladies' dresses.

And Cowboy Creamery, the most amazing cheese shop in town? Peace, quiet, and cool with the aroma of brie beckoning.

And at the pilgrimage destination of many an amateur chef, the Smithsonian exhibit of Julia Child's Kitchen...more middle-aged women had their noses pressed against the glass then freckle-faced boys.

Oh yes, I have many more pics of Mrs. Child's cucina. Hold tight.

Walleye a la Boy Scout

So titled because it's cooked in tin foil, a camper's best friend and, like the Boy Scouts, it's a little bit manly with some chili powder and Worcestshire - but still completely harmless.

1 lb. walleye fillets
Worcestshire sauce
Chili powder
Kosher salt
Minced garlic (optional)
Tin foil

Place fish on a sheet of foil. Top each with a drizzle of Worcestshire sauce, a liberal sprinkling of chili powder, a small pinch of salt, a bit of garlic and a pat of butter. Lay another piece of foil over it and roll up the edges to make a pouch. Place pouch on grill and cook at medium heat for 10 - 15 minutes or until fish is cooked through and flaky.


  1. I can't wait for more pics Beth! I would've loved to see that dress exhibit as well. What fun. Was your trip for business or pleasure?

  2. Oh wow, my scouts would have loved to be there. I love scouts too, but I think when I take a vacation, I don't want to be there when there is another "big thing" going on.

    And now for a real, actual factual Boy Scout tip, just picked up by my scouts at Camp Wilderness:

    When making your foil packs, place a raw cabbage leaf underneath your food...and then nothing burns! We just tried it this week...ten foil burnt food! Wooo hooo!
