Sunday, July 18, 2010


Check out what I picked up today.

Beer buckets. $4 each in the Target clearance aisle. Love. Them.

Check out what you may pick up today.

$40 for a little online shopping spree for your dining room, kitchen, patio, or just your sweet little self. I know, right? That's buys lots 'o beer buckets.

Ok, Ben. And apple juice buckets, too.

Those sweet people at CSN Stores, what can I guys must be click-happy with the store links in these posts or something, they just keep coming back with more giveaways for you guys. And I'm always happy to oblige.

Want your name in the hat? Just leave a little comment...OR, if Google comments make you nervous, try commenting on the R&V Facebook page...yeah, that's the badge you see on the right side there. Right there. See it? The Facebook thingy? Something new, something different. You can comment there instead if you'd like, and I'll still throw you in our little random drawing.

I'll announce a winner on Wednesday night, so be sure to check back y'all, ya hear?


  1. Put me in, Beth! I can think of many, many things I need (OK, WANT) for my house.

  2. We picked up some of those too... but we are using them for recycle bins :)

  3. Ben looks like he's getting so big! He seems much more grown up since the last picture you had of him.

    Count me in!

  4. You know I'm always up for a drawing! Count me in. On another note-my hubby has a job interview at BHS for assistant principal on Wednesday at 8 am. So we might be moving back to the beautiful Bis! Happy summer to you and your lovely family :)

  5. Nothing better than some internet shopping!

  6. They ran a profile on the guys from CSN's home in Better Homes & Gardens recently. I love their house!

  7. Those raspberry-chocolate popscicles make me drool every time.

    I'll be finding you on FB! I'm there too.:)

  8. Love me a giveaway!! And a fb page?? I'll be sure to go "like" you!

  9. I'm in need of some luck...pick me! :)

  10. OH, I missed the Giveaway...but look how cute Ben is in his Flip! We have a few in that color too!
