Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Fruit Salsa

Have you ever noticed how certain tunes can put everyone in a good mood?

Ok, maybe 80's Whitney Houston just puts ME in a good mood. But how can you not love this video? That permed hair, those neon colors, the invisible naked people dancing in white shoes! It's 1987 and it's a party!

Fruit salsa is kinda like that. You put out a bowl of fruit salsa, and suddenly everyone is in a good mood. Or at least I am.

I made the cinnamon chips with extra pie dough I had on hand - just roll it out, sprinkle with brown sugar and cinnamon, and bake until crispy. Instead of pie dough, use flour tortillas sprinkled with the same sugar/cinnamon and then baked. You could serve the salsa over fish, chicken, pork, or eat it straight out of the bowl with a spoon. I won't tell anyone.

Fruit Salsa
Consider these fruits just suggestions. You can use just about any fruit instead (including tomatoes), although I wouldn't recommend bananas. Mush mush.

1 Granny Smith apple - peeled, cored and diced
1 cup sliced fresh strawberries
2 kiwis, peeled and sliced
1 nectarine, sliced
1 small jalapeno pepper, seeded and chopped
Juice of one lime
Handful of chopped cilantro
Sugar to taste

Mix, cover, chill, and enjoy.


  1. Oh yummy! I've had the cinnaomn chips recently, made with flour tortillas...which was fine until I began label reading again. I really should bury my head back in the sand...have you SEEN how much sodium is in a tortilla? Upwards of 18% RDA in ONE tortilla...who eats just one tortilla? Ever?

    However, I will be making your salsa, and I'll make pie crust just for the chips:)

  2. We like to use up leftover pie crust like that, baked up with cinnamon and sugar. Never used it with a dip of any sort, fruit salsa here we come!
