Thursday, June 3, 2010

Grilled Bacon-Wrapped Venison Steak

How to win the heart of a carnivore:

1. Get red meat
2. Marinate meat in bbq sauce
3. Wrap bbq-soaked meat in thickly sliced bacon
4. Grill low and slow
5. Soak in the praise

So my carnivore didn't kiss my feet after this meal...but it was pretty darn close. If my feet weren't all dirty from wearing sandals in the garden, I think I he would've puckered up.

Grilled Bacon-Wrapped Venison Steak
Adapted from AllRecipes, of course you can substitute beef - but this is Rhubarb and Venison, after all. What were you expecting?

2 lbs. venison steak, cut into 3-4" pieces
BBQ sauce of your choosing
1 lb. thickly sliced bacon

Marinate steak in bbq sauce for at least two hours in the fridge. Remove meat from marinade and wrap meat with bacon, securing with toothpicks. Heat grill on medium-low and carefully place meat on grill (the fat from the bacon may make the grill flare up, so be careful). Cover the grill and cook until bacon starts to get black markings and steak is done to your liking.


  1. You definitely got my taste buds yearning for meat. Looks like a great meal.

    We like using venison steak, marinading it in apple cider for a day, then barbeque sauce for a few hours. Then wrapping it in bacon and grilling.. Yummmmmm!

  2. Yum! I wrap venison in bacon all the time, but I like these little "bites" on the grill... will have to try that next week!

  3. Lol, what a way to eat venison! These look like they would be nothing but insanely delicious. I like just about everything wrapped in bacon! =)

  4. Yum yum yum! It's too bad that I'm going to have to wait to get my hands on some venison to make something this tasty.

  5. I have a few pounds of venison in the freezer, and some of it will now get wrapped in bacon and grilled! I like using this marinade: soy sauce, Worcestershire, honey and red pepper flakes. :-)
