Sunday, May 16, 2010

Homemade Kahlua

Back in college, I really wanted to have a drink. Wait. Let me rephrase. I really wanted to identify with a drink. Like 007 with his martini. Or Carrie Bradshaw and her cosmo. Something that I could always order, know I would like it, and feel semi-cool drinking it. Because that's why you start drinking, right? To feel semi-cool?

So the journey began in college. When I was 19, a group of us went up to Winnipeg - my first time ordering at a bar. I chose Smirnoff Ice. One is ok. Six is not. No more alco-pops for this gal after that night.

Then came the frat party days, which meant cheap keg beer. Thankfully, I grew out of this phase pretty quickly, since the frat scene was just...well, let's just say the quality of the personalities often matched the quality of the beverage being served. I think that's a good rule to stick with.

Then I went though a Colorado Bulldog phase - vodka, Kahlua, topped off with Coke, cream, and hazelnuts. I loved those hazelnuts, since that meant I got to drink AND eat. Everyone knows eating is better than drinking, so why not order something with garnishes and get the best of both worlds? Extra olives in my Bloody Mary, pleaseandthankyou.

I still haven't settled on a particular drink, but although Bulldogs are too fussy for me now, the college gal in me still likes a Kahlua and cream now and then. A couple summers ago we were at our friends' cabin at Lake Tschida. For the non-NDers, a "lake cabin" around here is nothing fancy - this ain't Minnesota, after all. A ND lake cabin typically means an old trailer with a few strings of Christmas lights on the porch next to a watering hole in the middle of the prairie with country radio cranked up. And we love it.

So we're at the cabin and someone pulls out a jar of homemade Kahlua. Awesome. Don't you just love the idea of homemade liquor in a mason jar on a hot summer day at the lake? What? Is my red neck peeking out from under my J.Crew shirt?

Don't worry. It's still me. Look. Organic vodka. So it's good for you!

Homemade Kahlua
Adapted from Bon Appetit (March 2010). Most vodka in the liquor store around here is imported. If you're shopping for booze, I'll be flattered if you think of me and pick up a Made-in-USA bottle. Phillips is a decent basic vodka, based in MN and they have an organic label called Prairie (pictured above). Spudka is made in Idaho (and a favorite with the celiac folk, since potato vodka = no gluten, or so I hear). If you wear fancy pants, Shakers is excellent (but with a top shelf price).

2 cups water
3 cups sugar
3/4 cup instant coffee granules
2 cups vodka
1 vanilla bean, split lengthwise (optional)

Bring water to boil in a medium pot. Add sugar and coffee. Reduce heat to low, stirring just until sugar and coffee dissolve. Remove from heat and let stand until cool.

Once coffee syrup in cooled, stir in vodka. Pour into large jar. If using vanilla bean, scrape in vanilla bean seeds and then drop in the bean halves, stirring to blend. Cover. You can serve immediately, but it gets better as it sits, up to six weeks.


  1. Mmmmmmm! Sound great! Love your description of a ND cabin, LOL! Kinda like "the beach" I grew up going to in Dickinson, ND.

    I just recently discovered "my drink" it is a Cosmo. I LOVE 'em.

  2. Wow, never would've guessed this is possible. I can completely identify if your thoughts on a personal drink. I'm also lacking in this department. I've tried the pomegranite martini, but I can only stomach 2 max. I think I'm more of a fruity frozen girl.

  3. Yay for Winnipeg!

    The kahlua recipe sounds really cool. I totally agree about the home made liquor in mason jars, I've made rhubarb schnapps and limoncello, and it just feels special drinking them because you were involved in the making.

  4. Your post generated lovely memories, Beth! I used to make Kahlua, back in the day. It was my MIL's recipe and quite TASTY!!! There was only one place I knew of to get whole vanilla beans back then. Gleason's on St. Peter Street, now long gone. Loved this post. It's always so much fun to read what you write!!!

    I haven't been blogging too often lately. I take care of Nora (7 mo) a lot, plus I now have a poetry blog where I seem to spend my time and energy. But I haven't given up Aunt Shoe altogether!

  5. First, the pic of the glass of Kahula and milk (?) is fantastic! We've been making our own Kahula for years. I finally found a good recipe and half the alcohol in it, which makes it ok to have with coffee in the morning ;) Also, we don't do much caff, so we make it with decaf coffee - no jitters!

  6. Uh.....YUM!!!! This looks fantastic.

    And thanks for your comment on my blog! I have a Nikon D60 (although I'm saving like crazy to upgrade) and I just got a 50mm f1.4 AF-SG. And I LOVE it. It hasn't come off my camera since! Took some getting used to not having a zoom, and it was a spendy little lens, but takes super sharp pics with great color. And it has made me shoot in manual (which I also love!) I'm kinda obsessed with photography lately! :-)

    What kind of camera/lens do you use! I love your pics too!
