Thursday, May 27, 2010

Fried Eggs with Village Hot Sauce

I'm a hot sauce wimp. There. I said it. I wish I loved hot sauce, pouring Tabasco on my eggs and relishing the thought of extra jalapenos on my nachos. But I'm a German-from-Russia gal at heart. Putting ketchup on my fleishkuekle seems spicy.

So thank goodness for Village Hot Sauce, made right here in ND - Grand Forks to be exact (Go Non-Offensive-Green-and-White college sports team logo!). It's flavorful, saucy, with just a tiny kick of spice since I ALWAYS buy the mild stuff, never the hot version. It's not Los Amigos salsa (R.I.P), but it's pretty darn good.

I even put it on my eggs.

Fried Eggs with Village Hot Sauce
Breakfast for one on a Thursday morning - feel free to add more if you feel like sharing

1-2 eggs
Handful of baby spinach
Handful of cherry tomatoes, halved
Olive oil
Salt and pepper
Village hot sauce

Pour a glug of olive oil in a cast iron or non-stick pan, heat over medium-high heat. Crack in the eggs and let sit for a minute so the bottom starts to cook undisturbed. Add tomatoes around the edges of the pan. When bottom of egg is firmed up, flip egg to cook other side. Add spinach to top of egg; the heat of the pan and egg should make it start to wilt (cover for 30 seconds if not wilting). When egg is done to your liking, remove with veggies and serve with hot sauce, toast, and a glass of oj.


  1. I am a German from Russia with some Norwegian thrown in too;) LOVE hot stuff though!

    I just have to tell you, something weird happened to me the other day...

    I was picking my daughter up from child watch and I saw the most ADORABLE little boy, crying, he had just been dropped off. He looked so familiar! As I walked out, I saw your mom outside waiting to see if he would quit crying and be OK. Well, I have seen them both on here, so once I saw her I knew they were yours. I didn't say anything because I didn't want your mom to think I was a weirdo!

    Sometimes social networking can make for awkward real life situations, LOL!

    P.S. I hope your little guy got used to thinks and was OK!

  2. I miss Village Hot Sauce SO much! Another reason I can't wait to get back to ND:)

  3. I love salsa on eggs... but I like spicy, spicy, spicy! :)
