Friday, April 30, 2010

Rhubarb Strawberry Pudding Cake

I wanted to take more pictures of this cake.

I wanted to show you the pink/green/white loveliness of the spring rhubarb stalks I harvested during an evening rain shower, dirt still clinging to the ends. I wanted to show you the gorgeous pale yellow cake batter and the lickability of the spatula after cleaning out the batter bowl. I wanted to show you how I ate this for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, so half of this cake was eaten up within 24 hours of making it (mostly my doing, I'll admit).

But then there's this:

If you have kids, you may remember this stage. The leg-grabbing 'What are you doing? Pick me up! Hold me! I want to see too!' stage.

My sweetheart. When I'm trying to cook, get dishes cleaned up, and keep my home in a organizational order I call controlled chaos, sometimes the whole baby-on-leg thing forces mom to make compromises. This time, my compromise was the blog photos. Fewer pictures. Happy child. I thought you'd understand.

But for every moment of compromise, there's a moment like this of pure joy. Baby's first steps! So cute, I had to share.

Rhubarb Strawberry Pudding Cake
The original recipe from Gourmet Today called for 1/2 the ingredients baked in a 8x8 pan. If I'm going to bake, I'm going to make it worth my time, so I doubled it and threw it in a 13x9. Worked great, just remember to put a rimmed sheet pan on a lower rack while baking to catch any possible juice spill-over.

1/2 cup water
3 tsp. cornstarch
1 cup plus 1/2 cup sugar
4 cups chopped rhubarb
2 cups chopped strawberries
2 cups all-purpose flour
3 and 1/2 tsp. baking powder
1/2 tsp. salt
2 large eggs, room temperature
1 cup whole milk, room temperature
2 sticks (1 cup) butter, melted and cooled slightly
2 tsp. vanilla extract

Butter 13x9 glass baking dish. Set aside.

Stir together water, cornstarch, and 1/2 cup sugar in a pot, then add rhubarb. Bring to a simmer and cook, stirring often, for 3 mins. Remove from heat, stir in strawberries.

Whisk together flour, baking powder, salt, and remaining 1 cup sugar in a bowl. In a separate large bowl, whisk together eggs, milk, butter, and vanilla. Whisk in flour mixture just until combined.

Reserve 1 cup fruit mixture and pour rest in baking dish. Pour batter over fruit, spreading it evenly. Spoon reserved fruit over batter. Bake at 400 degrees for 30 mins with a rimmed sheet pan on a lower rack to catch any juices that may spill over while baking. Serve warm.


  1. They grow up so fast. He is so cute. I'm going to get some rhubarb today. Been thinking about it all week. My son (he's 32!!!) loves rhubarb crisp but I think I'll try your pudding cake.

  2. This recipe looks delicious with some of my very favorite ingredients. Thanks so much for sharing Beth!

    I can't believe your little guy is walking. That video is priceless. He's such a cutie. It's so hard to stop and enjoy the moments.

  3. Can he come teach Charlie how to walk? My babe is 13 1/2 months and just doesn't feel like walking. Ben's a doll!

  4. Well, isn't he as cute as a button! That's a knock-them-dead smile if I ever saw one.

    The pudding cake looks lovely too. The combination of strawberry and rhubarb is just divine.

  5. Ah, the baby on the leg - yep, even though it was years ago, I do remember!

    That video is too cute!!!!

  6. Oh you have made me a VERY happy baker!!! I'm always looking for a good recipe for rhubarb other than pie - merci beaucoup!!!!

  7. Haha... yes, I DO remember those hanging-on-the-leg days (and miss them!) Your boy is so cute and he's so proud of himself walking :)

  8. Oh dear dear dear. This is delicious! I just sat down to a plate of this warm cake (with a little ice cream on the side of course) to watch our union vote come in. It sure helps with the coping! Thank goodness you shared it! Tell the hubby and little man hello for me :) Gotta get back to the rhubarb... it's calling...
