Monday, April 26, 2010

My Favorite Bowl...Just For You!

This is my favorite bowl. I use it for everything. Everything. "Like what, Beth?" Like:

- the ultimate fruit bowl
- the ultimate popcorn bowl
- the ultimate salad bowl
- the ultimate pasta bowl
- mixing up pie crust dough...or at least I did before baby when I had time for stuff like that
- letting bread dough rise...or at least I did before baby when I had time for stuff like that
- steaming my face...or at least I did before baby when I had time for stuff like that

You get the idea.

Want one??

Yes, it's giveaway time!

I promise not to go all Pioneer Woman on you with the giveaways (you only wish, right?), but whenever freebies for my lovely readers come about, I pounce on it. The very fine people of CSN stores (check them out - they sell everything, like lighting, baby gear, cookware...everything) are sponsoring our giveaway, find all the details on this bowl right here.

To enter the bowl giveaway, just leave a comment about whatever you want. "Lovely day we're having" is a perfectly acceptable comment. "Pick me! Pick me!" is also perfectly fine. Any words of praise and/or adoration are also accepted. Leave your comment before Tuesday at 9 pm CST, I'll post a randomly selected winner on Wednesday AM.

And coming up, a lovely muffin recipe that will be perfect for mixing up in your spankin' new bowl.

Thanks for stopping by, all. You bowl me over!

Ok, that was lame. But I got a chuckle out of it.


  1. The popcorn in it looks yummy too. It looks like my favorite cinnamon popcorn!!

  2. We have one of 'those' (meaning an 'everything' bowl not the style) at our house... sad part is that I believe I got it at a dollar store :)

    Love your blog and would be lost with out it :)

  3. got me I have a favorite bowl? Yes! The big yellow pyrex bowl. My dad used to mix up the dressing for Thanksgiving in it. And make Tom and Jerry's in it.

  4. Your everything bowl, is much, much prettier than mine. I'd love to win a prettier one! I have dough rising in mine right now;P I just decided to start making my own bread whenever possible after realizing just how long my store boughten bread takes to go bad/grow mold/etc. YUCK! It isn't natural for something to hang around for weeks with no change! Holy chemicals!

  5. Lovely bowl, crappy weather. Muffins would be nice.

  6. Oh man! I love giveaways! I also love multipurpose tools! Oooh... and all the stuff we used to do before baby! BUT can you imagine life without the li'l bugger now? No way! : )

  7. I'm thinking my odds have to be pretty good...much better than the PW giveaways!

  8. That's a beautiful bowl and just in time for potato salad season, aka summer!

    I love a pretty bowl just for displaying fruit or whatever (plus I'm more likely to eat it if I see it!)


  9. every time i go to the library (which is often these days) i think of you! miss you!

  10. Isn't it odd how you can get attached to a bowl. I can see why you love this one. I would love to have one just like it. I am always thrilled when someone praises an item they love to use.

  11. What a gorgeous bowl! I can't say I would steam my face with it like you do (or used to do), but all of the other things are things I would put such a lovely bowl to use with.

    What a great idea for a giveaway.
