Sunday, March 7, 2010

Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Pretzel Cookies

Oh boy, here we go again.

You may recall the mouthgasm that was the preztel caramel ice cream...if so, you'll totally understand why I HAD to make these cookies. I saw them on Karen Cooks and knew they had to be mine. All mine. I'm such a salty/sweet addict.

Although it's not terribly labor intensive to make cookies, I'm still trying to figure out how to bake with a baby at my feet. Lately, my method is to just let him do whatever occupies him, as long as he isn't hurting himself. This means he does stuff like this:

And like this:

Don't even ask about the toilet paper roll.

I guess I could just order take out, grab some Pepperidge Farm Milanos and call it good, not have to worry about baby chaos in the kitchen - but I'm a sucker for the homecooked stuff. And there's nothing wrong with a little baby chaos now and then, right? These cookies were totally worth it.

Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Pretzel Cookies
You may be thinking, 'Pretzels? Really Beth? I'm not sure about this. I'm scared. Hold me.' But it's ok. These are great. Promise. And they have oatmeal in them, so you can eat them for breakfast. That's the rule. I only had two cups of oats, so raided my husband's hunting/camping food stash and used a couple packets of instant oatmeal to make up for the last cup, one regular packet and one cinnamon spice - still turned out great. Thanks for the recipe, Karen!

1 ½ cups flour
½ tsp baking soda
1 cup butter, softened
1 cup packed brown sugar
1/4 cup granulated sugar
2 eggs
1 tsp vanilla
3 cups oats
1 cup chocolate chips
1 cup pretzel pieces (crunched up pretzels w/ your hands or a rolling pin)

Preheat oven to 350F; line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Sift flour and baking soda together and set aside. Cream the butter and sugars together. Add the eggs, one at a time and mix well. Add vanilla. Add the flour mixture and mix well. Add the oats, chocolate chips and pretzels and mix well. Place rounded tablespoons onto the sheet and cook 10-14 minutes. Cool for a minute on the sheet then transfer to a wire rack.


  1. Glad to hear you made these... they are really good, aren't they? :)

  2. Definitely trying these. I love that ice cream too.

  3. I want to go home and make them now.

  4. I am a total sucker for sweet and savory! My step-son loves all things cinnamon. I made him giant snickerdoodle cookies for his apartment - the secret was sprinkling a touch of sea salt on top of each one before baking.

    He and his friends said they were the best cookies they ever had!

    And a little kid chaos is no big deal! :D

  5. That little son of yours looks so adorable playing on the kitchen floor. When Katie was a baby, I gave up an entire low cupboard to her. It had a few shelves and she could play with anything in there. It was a bit of a sacrifice because I didn't have much storage space, but it made her so happy. It was definitely worth it. Son Tom was another story. He was into everything. We had to use a bungee cord to keep our refrigerator closed after he poured a whole gallon of OJ on the floor! But I swear, I miss those days!!!

  6. So, I found your blog from Danica's blog and I now have to follow you b/c I love it! These pics of your baby are too cute and totally remind me of mine own toddler and how it's nearly impossible to cook or bake with kids running about. Keep blogging, you do a great job! And I seriously need to make me these cookies!!
